Detecting Radiation: How to Use Portable Devices and Lab Tools

Radiation is an invisible force that can be dangerous if not detected and monitored properly. Fortunately, there are a variety of instruments and tools available to detect radiation, the most common being the Geiger-Mueller (GM) detector. GM detectors are capable of detecting alpha, beta and gamma radiation, making them a great option for a general study of laboratory radioactive materials. It is impossible to detect radiation through sight, touch, or smell.

Workers at medical and nuclear power plants are constantly absorbing radiation in extremely low doses, but they can still get radiation sickness. To protect themselves, they use portable devices such as Med-Pro Harshaw radiation detectors, which are worn as armbands. These devices can be replaced irregularly by using a smartphone app to detect harmful radiation, such as that caused by gamma rays. Alpha radiation cannot be detected because it is blocked by the mobile phone case, lens and cover.

In addition to portable devices, lab tools can also be used to detect radiation. Although they are intended to detect visible light, they can also detect the higher energies of ionizing radiation. When it comes to detecting radiation from tissue, you can convert these factors to get the right results. Fortunately, these devices allow you to detect radiation and know if your environment makes you vulnerable.

Advanced image sensors installed in now-ubiquitous smartphones can also be used to detect ionizing radiation in addition to visible light. This is done through a chamber containing air and an electrical conductor, as well as a low-voltage central anode to help detect radiation. The advantage of using a smartphone application in radiation detection is that it is cheap, easy to operate and accessible, since many people have smartphones. Complementary metal oxide semiconductor (CMOS) imaging sensors used in smartphone cameras can detect photons of ionizing radiation, such as high-energy x-rays and gamma rays. This work aims to inform a detailed investigation of a well-reviewed smartphone application for radiation dosimetry that is available for popular smartphone devices under a calibration protocol that is typically used for commercial calibration of radiation detectors.

It's impossible to detect radiation with your own eyes, but fortunately, advanced technology lets you know what objects or body parts are contaminated. This error analysis quantitatively shows that the RadioActivityCounter application can effectively function as a radiation detector at high radiation doses; however, at low doses, the application returns a high error percentage as presented in Fig. Nor should the response of an ionizing radiation detector depend on the angle of impact of the radiation.

Isaac Delpozo
Isaac Delpozo

Unapologetic social media scholar. Amateur zombie trailblazer. Subtly charming tea specialist. Evil beer guru. Friendly travel fan. Devoted social media scholar.