What Tools Can Help Detect Radiation?

Radiation detection and recognition devices are essential for ensuring safety in radiation-filled environments. Geiger Mueller (GM) detectors with pancake probes, alpha radiation lift meters, dose rate meters, personal dosimeters, and portal monitors are all tools used to detect radiation. GM tubes, also known as Geiger counters, are the most common type of radiation detector. Dosimeters, or radiation plates, are also used to measure radiation exposure.

Workers who are regularly exposed to radiation-filled environments wear badges to track their exposure levels. At the end of the quarter or year, a specialist will obtain the dosimeter data and interpret it. If the radiation plate shows a large amount of exposure above the threshold, an alarm will sound to alert people to stay away from the environment. The device has helped prevent and save many people from possible complications from constant exposure to radiation. The Med-Pro dosimeter also allows workers to track their radiation intake online, allowing them to get their results more quickly and easily.

The Geiger counter GM probe is a common portable radiation instrument for measuring contaminated surfaces. They are often used to measure exposure, but they are also adapted to other modalities. For example, a zinc probe is sensitive to alpha radiation detection. However, a zinc probe can also be used for field measurements where radioactive material emitting alpha particles is required for measurement purposes. A compact dosimeter is highly recommended for your home.

Dosimeters can measure alpha, beta, x-ray and gamma radiation. They are easy to use and can help monitor radiation levels in the home, medical facility, and work. They also detect the radiation level of items such as clothing, shoes, furniture, dirt and much more. Dosimeters can assess radioactive contamination within food, air and water.

Some specialized dosimeters can work via Bluetooth channels and activate your tablet and smartphone on a personal dosimeter. The topographic meter is a portable radiation detector that typically measures the amount of radiation present and provides this information on a numerical display in units of counts per minute, counts per second, or microroentgen (µR) or microrem (µrem) per hour. An RIID is a radiation detector with the ability to analyze the energy spectrum of radiation in order to identify the specific radioactive material (radionuclide) emitting radiation. This chamber contains air and an electrical conductor as well as a low-voltage central anode to help detect radiation. It's impossible to detect radiation with your own eyes, but fortunately advanced technology lets you know what objects or body parts are contaminated. The second main type of detectors used in radiation detection instruments are scintillation detectors.

Fortunately these devices allow you to detect radiation and know if your environment makes you vulnerable. Thermo Scientific instruments and services are designed to offer the latest advances in nuclear radiation detection technology and help you optimize safety, operational efficiency and regulatory compliance. When talking about radiation detection instruments there are three types of detectors that are most often used depending on the specific needs of the device. A particular meter known as a teletector is specifically designed to detect gamma and X-ray radiation. When it comes to detecting tissue radiation you can convert these factors to get the right results.

Med-Pro Harshaw radiation detectors are especially useful for workers who come into contact with radiation through their fingers since these devices are used as armbands.

Isaac Delpozo
Isaac Delpozo

Unapologetic social media scholar. Amateur zombie trailblazer. Subtly charming tea specialist. Evil beer guru. Friendly travel fan. Devoted social media scholar.